Friday, July 16, 2010


The winner of my favorite candle is........



Monday, July 12, 2010


For some reason this week I heard three different people talk about Goo Gone. I have used this product to clean tape off of glass, and some sticky stuff off of pants, but that's about it. Well, a friend of mine was telling me she used this product on her wood floors that had a build-up on it from cleaning products (particularly, Orange-glo, DON'T use it!!!). She said it worked! Of course that is tideous but unfortunately that's the only way to clean such a build-up. I also heard that it's great in getting tar off your car bumper and bugs too. It is safe to use on plastic, metal, glass, wood, hardwood, carpet, equipment, tools, brick, ceramic, fiberglass, clothing, firniture, tile, appliances, automobiles, boats, upholstry. Let me know if you've used this product and how!!!

"In the noise and clatter of my kitchen.... I possess God in great tranquility as if I were upon my knees." Brother Lawrence

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1Corinthians 10:31

***Whatever your day consists of, whether it is monotonous, unfulfilling, boring, stressful, or difficult, it is not a waste if you do your best and do it for God. You may be where you are for a season to prepare you for something else. So, make Him proud this week, whatever you find your hands to do! Blessings.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


*Phillipians 4:8 msg says: "You'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious -- the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse." There is enough negatives in all our lives to meditate on, to watch, to listen to. It is in abundance. It comes to easy. The hard part is forcing ourselves to replace the negative with the positive. I like to call it "To Replace". Take inventory of all things negative that surround you, that you allow, and replace it with the positive. I know watching too much news can cause me to fear so I'll replace that by reading God's word. I listen to my kids scream and whine. Replace it with time spent outside in the garden. When you have a negative thought like, "I can't do this." Replace that thought with "I only fail when I quit."

Here are a few of my recommendations of positive things to listen to and things to watch. I call them my Happy Music and Shows!

Happy Music: Jim Brickman, Chris Rice, Classical (especially when it's raining), Disney soundtracks (Come on, you know you love them!), music of the '50s, Elvis, Christian music

Happy Television: Everybody Loves Raymond, According to Jim, King of Queens, I love Lucy, The Andy Griffith Show

Happy Movies: Anything that ends in: "And they lived happily ever after". My fave is EverAfter, The Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, Father of the Bride,

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I really would like to blog more often. I'd really like to spend more time with my husband. I'd really like to join a gym. I'd really like to read more. I think we all need to find something today in our life that has no value to ourselves or others and LET IT GO! So think of something and post it as a comment. Tell me what you can let go of and what you will add to it. For example, I will give up spending so much time on facebook games and replace it with exercise. See, I will be replacing my laziness with something that will benefit me all the way around. I probably spend 30 minutes of my day everyday on these games. They help me relax and de-stress but exercise has the same benefits. You may speak negatively. Well, choose to speak more positively. We can all do this. We all have clutter. Time to let some of it go a little at a time.

Quote: "No one can be making much of his life who has not a very definite conception of what he is living for." Harry Drummond

DID YOU KNOW? YOU CAN RECYCLE YOUR COFFEE? Yep. I never finish my whole pot. Add equal parts of water to it and you have a fertilizer you can use for indoor and outdoor plants.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


Life has it's ups and down. If you have hope in anything at all there is a possibility or probability of being disappointed in this life. There are few guarantees outside of the Word of God and even then because God's timing is not our own being disappointed and discouraged once we take our eyes off the promises are inevitable. We hope for something and it doesn't work out like we think it should and disappointed is how we feel. Even if we believe that there is still hope it's hard to get past that punch in the stomach feeling of disappointment. All we can do is look it in the face say "Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen." And turn our back on that feeling. Otherwise we walk on dangerous ground of living in a pit of depression, hopelessness, fear, and self-pity. So just remember that tomorrow is a new day and hope is around the corner. Good things come to those who wait! Encourage yourself.

4th of July Chips and Salsa

1 can dark red kidney beans
1 onion chopped
1 green pepper chopped
1 small jar Catalina dressing
1/2 pound ground beef (optional)
Tostito tortilla chips
